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 Welcome for the english in Xtsre

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Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2024
Age : 24
Localisation : Canada

Welcome for the english in Xtsre Empty
MessageSujet: Welcome for the english in Xtsre   Welcome for the english in Xtsre Icon_minitimeSam 28 Sep 2024 - 16:56

Hello to everyone who plays with me or us!Here is the Forumactif.com Forum of Xtsre (Xtrash-Earth-enomorph Space Rangers Empire) its name is due to the Space MMO video game of Bolt.astroempires.com.I have a Pinterest called skydark pyro that the link is below.Https://www.Pinterest.com/rangerxsgunsc.if I no longer publish images it is because I have received from some parents or family members of a minor contact severe accusations onthe children, but she was my second contact to look for members for my pinterest.and as I asked her if I am allowed to speak to her and she said yes , there is no real fraud because the parents of these minors are just going haywire by wanting to do what was right.Of two I am not Arab but of origin of the pharaohs, of King Beaudoin of France, of the Indians, from one of the passengers of the Titanic and of Irish origin.I was born in Canada and I do not live in Germany on the island of nuts.I am not in my 40s either but rather a disabled autistic person who receives a pension for schizophrenia which moreover I am 75% of cases suffering from schizophrenia which are nice.I created this forum to compensate for the absences that I constantly have on pinterest and to talk about the subjects of this which I call TalkieWookie!
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Messages : 135
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2024
Age : 24
Localisation : Canada

Welcome for the english in Xtsre Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Welcome for the english in Xtsre   Welcome for the english in Xtsre Icon_minitimeSam 28 Sep 2024 - 17:28

You have rules to respect as in all the principles on the law!to talk about the subjects in each of their subject groups without writing sexual insults or verbal violence because let's not forget that this forum is also for children.except for the topics of Thepornstarwars.com which all the game IDs and names must be posted in the said topics for 18 years and over.You can post your photos anywhere except if they are hentai photos or porn, but the photos must bear the following tag of ex: the name of the site or the producer followed by a ©then you must mark Onidex™Xtsre®And give your by:@Alexa.your e-mail can also be shared provided that it is marked ex: [email]#Alexa@gmail.com/@videotron.ca/@sympatico.ca/@hotmail.fr or others.The urls must be shared in the same way as the photos ex:[url]#https://www.youtube.com.you have three levels of warnings if you do not respect the rules.1-you will be warned for eachof your actions by the admin after the user you are denounced and your name will be mentioned in public for example: warning [user]#Ziggy {is dangerous}, 2-you will be ignored and your name will be marked in the blocklist and3-you will be kicked out of this forum.thank you very much respect the common rules and I wish you good discussion on the forum.
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Welcome for the english in Xtsre
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